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Journal First (JF)
ALL Submission
May 29th
23:59 GMT
June, 19th, 2023
July 4th 2023 (June, 30th, 2023
The International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC) is a leading scientific conference that gathers experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and approaches regarding all quality aspects in ICT systems engineering and management. This forum seeks to foster lively discussion on how to further the state-of-the-art and define future directions, as well as to disseminate advanced new methods, techniques, and tools.
QUATIC 2023 follows in the tradition of this conference, now in its 16th edition, and invites practitioners and researchers to submit technical papers reporting original research and experience results in all topics and sub-fields of Quality in ICT process, product, and applications domains, as well as sharing practical studies. Papers that are under simultaneous review from other research outlets or that are not substantial updates of previously published work will not be accepted.
QUATIC 2023 is soliciting papers presenting original research on all quality aspects related to the specification, design, development, operation, maintenance and evolution of ITC systems.
The conference is organized into thematic tracks that serve as dedicated discussion venues on focused topics of interest. QUATIC 2023 offers an exciting set of tracks, mixing well-established traditional QUATIC topics and newly proposed tracks, covering break-through research challenges.
Authors should select the track that best suits their field:
Verification, Validation, and Testing – Domenico Amalfitano (University of Naples, Italy) and Matteo Camilli (Politecnico de Milano, Italy)
Quality Requirements (including cross-cutting concerns like security, safety, and privacy) – Daniela Cruzes (NTNU, Norway) and Michael Unterkalmsteiner (BTH, Sweden)
ICT Process Improvement. Organization, and Governance - Andreia Malucelli (PUC-PR, Brazil) and Karol Frühauf (Infogem AG, Switzerland)
Quality Aspects of Digital Transformation – Antonio Guerrieri (ICAR, Italy) and Claudio Micelli de Farias (UFRJ, Brazil)
Quality Aspects of Human-Factors in Software Engineering – Maria Teresa Baldassarre (University of Bari, Italy) and Fabian Fagerholm (Aalto University, Finland)
Journal First and Special Issue - Andrea Janes (Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
QUATIC 2023 accepts the following types of contributions:
Research and experience papers (between 10 and 15 pages total). Research papers should describe novel and scientifically rigorous contributions to any aspect related to the quality of ICT systems. Experience papers should present original reports on relevant industrial case studies.
Innovative and exploratory papers (between 6 and 8 pages total). Papers in this category should describe new, unconventional approaches that fundamentally challenge established research directions and current state of practice, but which are at an early stage of investigation.
Journal-first papers (up to 1 page). Papers in this category should have been published for the first time in any top-notch journal, i.e., without any prior publication as workshop or conference paper. The papers should have been accepted for publication in 2022 or 2023
Authors should select the track that best suits their field for submitting their work.
Double blind review: QUATIC 2023 will adopt a double-blind review process.
Publishing Ethics: Authors of all submitted papers to QUATIC 2023 must abide by the QUATIC code of ethics
Publication: As in previous years, QUATIC 2023 proceedings are expected to be included in a volume of the Springer CCIS Series (Communications in Computer and Information Science). CCIS is abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus. CCIS volumes are also submitted for inclusion in the ISI Proceedings. The organizers are presently negotiating a special journal issue in Information and Software Technology for extended versions of the best papers as in previous editions.
All papers must conform with the Springer CCIS Format
Research papers must not exceed 15 pages, including figures, references, and appendices.
Innovative and exploratory papers must not exceed 8 pages.
Authors should submit through EasyChair a PDF version of their paper without names and affiliations, or other elements that allow the authors' identification, to guarantee a double-blind review process.
Authors of Journal-first papers should submit a one-page document in PDF that contains the authors, title, journal, doi and abstract of the paper. The authors should also explain in the paper the relevance to QUATIC using less than 500 words.
Submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the track's Program Committee.
Accepted research and exploratory papers will be included in the proceedings of QUATIC 2023, subject to one of the authors registering for the conference.
Journal-first papers will not appear in the QUATIC proceedings, but will be an integral part of the program and presented at the conference.
The iThenticate plagiarism checker will be used to verify submissions' originality.
Work without substantial new material or failing to follow length and formatting guidelines will be desk rejected and therefore will not be reviewed.