Track: Quality Requirements  

(including Emerging Quality aspects)



Requirements Engineering (RE) can be defined as the area of Software Engineering concerned with the discovery, documentation, and analysis of a system’s purpose, based on stakeholder needs. Requirements play a major role in the quality of a system, both for its specification and for its analysis. 

In RE research, quality aspects play a role in both what is built as well as in how the requirements are specified. The former refers to quality requirements, that is, aspects related to the quality of the specified system. Such quality requirements (aka non-functional requirements) include, but are not limited to, usability, performance, reliability, safety, security, privacy, efficiency, maintainability and emerging quality aspects in software development. The latter refers to requirements quality, that is, aspects related to the quality of the requirements themselves and how they are managed. Requirements quality is important to control as downstream activities (design, development, and testing) depend on requirements that are, for example, unambiguous, complete, consistent, correct, specific, verifiable, traceable, and understandable.

With the increase in complexity, size, and ubiquity of modern, software-intensive products and services, both the content and form of requirements need to consider quality. Hence, we seek novel contributions investigating the relationship and impact of quality requirements and requirements quality on the quality aspects of software-intensive products and services.


The scope of this track is Quality Requirements. The topics of interest are:



Daniela Cruzes, NTNU, Norway

Michael Unterkalmsteiner, BTH, Sweden

Krzysztof Wnuk, BTH, Sweden 

Julian Frattini, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden 

Oscar Dieste, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain 

Sotirios Liaskos, School of IT, York University, Canada 

Jose Luis de la Vara, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Luis Olsina, GIDIS_Web, Engineering School, UNLPam, Argentina 

Emilio Insfrán Pelozo, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain 

Farnaz Fotrousi, Mälardalen University, Sweden 

Elena Navarro, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain 

Henning Femmer, Qualicen GmbH, Germany 

Lidia Lopez, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain 

Sabrina Marczak, PUCRS, Brazil 

Sheila Reinehr, PucPR, Brazil 

Maya Daneva, University of Twente, Netherlands 

Juan Pablo Carvallo, Universidad del Azuay, Ecuador 

Nelly Condori-Fernández, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain